David Juilfs
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Author: David Juilfs | Owner & CEO Gorilla Marketing
Published January 18, 2021
Tips for Winning More Clients with Lawyer PPC Agency

Today, almost every law firm has a website. However, they can rarely take full advantage of it to generate more leads and expand their online presence. Most attorneys are not even aware of digital marketing tactics like lawyer PPC, which is one of the best ways to generate better leads and win more clients.


However, paid advertising, like most other digital marketing endeavors, requires expertise and extensive research. While you can maintain an in-house SEO team or learn lawyer PPC from scratch, it is often expensive and time-consuming, making it difficult to realize the full benefits of paid advertising. The good news is that a professional digital marketing agency specializing in lawyer PPC can do this for a fraction of the cost and time.


Here’s how a professional lawyer PPC company can help you win more clients.


1. Help You Create a Balanced PPC Campaign


If you want to generate highly qualified online leads quickly, you need a more advanced and balanced lawyer PPC strategy. That’s what an experienced and skilled digital marketing firm will precisely offer.


Having worked with clients from legal niches similar to yours, they know how to determine your law firm PPC campaign goals. They also understand how and where to target your prospects using the right paid advertising channels.


For example, a digital marketing firm specializing in family law will know that your target audience spends time on online support forums and divorce-related websites. They will also know the type of paid advertisements your users like. Thus, you can optimize and personalize your lawyer PPC quickly and effectively.


2. Offer Better Competitive Research


In-depth competitor analysis plays a critical role in creating high-performing lawyer PPC campaigns. It helps you understand what your competitors are doing and plan your campaigns accordingly. For example, instead of directly copying the strategy your competition is using, you can reach out to your target audience in ways your competitors don’t expect or aren’t doing.


A competent lawyer PPC company knows how to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. They will track your competitors’ PPC campaigns, helping you optimize yours in real-time. It becomes a lot easier to identify areas where your competitors lack and take full advantage of their drawbacks when you get real-time insights.


A seasoned lawyer PPC agency also has the tools required for highly accurate competitive analysis. You can get a better return on your lawyer PPC investment, which can quickly drain your marketing budget if not used wisely.


3. Provide You with Excellent Ad Copies


The success of your lawyer PPC campaign also depends on how good your advertisement copy is. A stellar ad copy stands a better chance of getting clicked and possible conversions down the line. Most law firms seldom pay attention to content quality, which often affects their PPC campaigns.


An experienced lawyer PPC agency understands the importance of creating excellent ad copies. Instead of just plugging in keywords, PPC experts can help you write ad copies that connect with your target audience.


They know what your end users want, and make sure each advertisement hits all the sweet spots. For example, they can write killer CTAs and point out the qualities that make your firm stand out. But most importantly, they can keep doing this as long as you need more ad copies.


Your lawyer PPC company will also know how to leverage emotional triggers to generate more clicks. The most significant advantage of this tactic is that you can target people even if they are browsing casually. It significantly expands the reach of your lawyer PPC campaigns.


4. Effectively Retarget Potential Leads


Not all users that visit your website will convert immediately. That’s why retargeting needs to be a part of your lawyer PPC campaigns. As you are reaching out to users who are already familiar with your offerings, it can help boost your conversions and revenue significantly.


Although highly effective, remarketing can quickly consume your PPC budget if you don’t plan it carefully. That’s where a lawyer PPC company comes in. Their PPC experts can help transform your campaigns from more generalized to super-targeted remarketing.


The more targeted your lawyer PPC campaigns are, the lower your cost-per-click will be. Your lawyer PPC agency can also help you use other law firm marketing tactics, such as contextual targeting and frequency capping, to increase remarketing efficiency and reduce costs.




Paid advertising is one of the best ways to take full advantage of your website to grow your online presence. Hiring a professional and trusted lawyer PPC company can go a long way in creating highly targeted campaigns. That’s why you need someone like Gorilla Webtactics. We have worked with several law firms and provided them with creative and highly targeted PPC campaigns. Call us today at (612) 260-1506 or contact us online to know how we can help.

David Juilfs
About the author:
David Juilfs
Owner & CEO Gorilla Marketing
David has 15+ years in marketing experience ranging from traditional print, radio and tv advertising to modern day digital marketing for law firms and lead generation software. He is a multi-award winning marketer and has also volunteers his time with SCORE as a business coach/consultant to help businesses get better leads, more business and higher ROI. You can contact him at [email protected].
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