David Juilfs
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Author: David Juilfs | Owner & CEO Gorilla Marketing
Published May 11, 2020
Managing PPC Campaigns for Lawyers in the Corona Outbreak

The coronavirus outbreak, which began in China, has slowed down the global economy substantially. Various industries have suddenly paused their PPC campaigns, with the travel sector showing a contraction of 62% in digital media spend during the first two weeks of February and March, 2020.


However, it’s not all doom and gloom. Many businesses, including law firms are rethinking their online marketing strategies.


If your lawyer SEO strategy involves running PPC campaigns, it’s time to think in a different dimension. In this post, we will discuss a few tips that will help you do so.


1. Shift Your Messaging Focus


As you already know, the coronavirus outbreak has altered the business landscape for many industries, including the legal sector. Your users may have started to look for products and services from the COVID-19 point of view. So, you will need to shift your marketing message accordingly as well.


To make sure your marketing message remains data-driven, you can use Google Trends to find out the latest insights. You can see the change in search queries and try to include them in your advertising content. For example, search terms like working from home, social distancing, virtual consulting, and medical services are on the rise.


As a lawyer, maybe you can offer some of your legal services virtually, especially consultation on legal matters. If you do this, tweak your marketing message accordingly. You can also include coronavirus-related social messages and CTAs in your advertisements to attract leads in this period.


2. Realign Your Advertisement Budgets


While dealing with an unprecedented disaster like coronavirus outbreak, your first reaction as a business owner may be to shut down your lawyer SEO marketing completely. However, this mistake can harm your law firm in the long run.


Although you may strongly feel like pausing or canceling your PPC campaigns, with more people coming online due to lockdown, you also have the opportunity to reach out to more leads. In other words, you need to focus on engagement right now and re-target the same leads once everything goes back to normal.


So, take the time to reevaluate your budget. Make a list of primary (essential) and secondary (non-essential) campaigns and also successful and not-so-successful campaigns. You can stop running non-essential and less successful campaigns and divert that budget to continue promoting the successful ones.


Furthermore, your offline paid advertising and event marketing most likely has taken a hit during the pandemic. You can divert that budget to strengthen your revised PPC campaigns. If you haven’t been paying much attention to your PPC campaigns, now is the time.


3. Think of New Online Marketing Channels


Of course, PPC is a great marketing channel. However, it isn’t going to be enough to keep your audience engaged in the current Covid-19 crisis. So, you need to look for other digital marketing alternatives. According to a recent survey, 66% of social media users believe their usage habits will increase, with 64% YouTube users and 63% Facebook users saying so.


Also, with many industries cutting down on their digital marketing efforts, you will be facing less competition. If you can divert your print marketing and networking budget to these newfound marketing channels, you can strengthen your bond with your target audience.


However, don’t go overboard with marketing. You don’t want to come across as a brand that is exploiting the current situation. Instead, it is time to empathize with your target audience to establish a firm emotional connection with them.


4. Create a Transition Strategy for Post-COVID-19 Market


Although everything seems a bit shaky at the moment, things will eventually get back to normal. When they do, you will need to start re-targeting your leads again. As no one is sure when that will happen, it is better to start putting together a transition strategy for post-COVID-19 marketing.


Think about which legal services and advice your existing and new customers may need after the current situation settles down. For example, there may be an increase in healthcare-related lawsuits, or corporate litigations as businesses will try to restart their operations. You will need to prepare your PPC and lawyer SEO marketing strategy accordingly.


Parting Words


We are all struggling to overcome the health and economic concerns raised by the current COVID-19 situation. As a law firm business owner, you need to keep re-evaluating your PPC marketing and not panic. Hopefully, these four tips will help you in this regard. We want you to know that Gorilla Webtactics, a trusted full-service lawyer SEO company, is with you during these difficult times. Call us today at (612) 260-1506 or contact us online to find out how we can help.

David Juilfs
About the author:
David Juilfs
Owner & CEO Gorilla Marketing
David has 15+ years in marketing experience ranging from traditional print, radio and tv advertising to modern day digital marketing for law firms and lead generation software. He is a multi-award winning marketer and has also volunteers his time with SCORE as a business coach/consultant to help businesses get better leads, more business and higher ROI. You can contact him at [email protected].
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