Your law firm has a lot to offer, and the name of the game is parlaying your legal strengths into new clients. Your website is your calling card and your portal into your potential clients’ thought processes when they’re looking for legal expertise. The trick is making your online offerings the strongest they can be – in the most inviting forms – and there are tactics you may be overlooking that can help you bump your firm’s website to the next level. The law firm marketing mavens at Gorilla Webtatics are here for you with four surefire strategies to help you get new clients for your law firm online.
Strategy 1: Give Organic Search Ranks Some Love
Whatever your firm’s legal specialty, you should continue to post relevant content that is both timely and informative for potential clients. Your website is not a one-and-done proposition – it should grow and evolve along with your firm. The way to convert browsers into clients is to give the people what they want and need, including:
- Provide cogent content that applies to your potential clients’ legal needs in your locality – think about including blog posts on applicable current events and changes in the law, for example.
- Optimize your website by seamlessly incorporating target search-terms that trend in your geographical area.
- Encourage your online visitors to come back soon and to spend quality time on your site not only by hanging out longer but also by viewing more of your offerings. Effectively linking your pages and embedding compelling videos on your website are both strategic means of effecting these goals, which by the way, speak to Google in a language it understands.
Strategy 2: Turn on Those Google AdWords
Google is what clients do – it’s no longer simply a company; it’s become an action. And when your potential clients are looking for professional legal counsel, they hit up Google. Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising initiative in which you bid on specific keywords pertinent to your proficiencies and that lead to short ads that highlight your firm.
While maximizing your AdWords efforts can be complicated, it’s worth doing the math. AdWords can be a great option for driving client interest during lulls in business, for maximizing your firm’s growth efforts, and for securing your rightful place in your locale. Remember, too, that AdWords is flexible and can be turned on and off at will.
Strategy 3: Come Up in the Ranks
When your potential clients are looking for a firm to help them with their legal concerns, you want to come in hot on Google Maps. The higher your Google Maps listing, the more phone calls you’ll have coming at you. In fact, your rank on Google Maps outperforms that organic rank you’ve worked so hard to cultivate. In other words, don’t neglect your Google Maps rank and remember that positive reviews are the coin of this realm.
Garnering more positive online reviews gets you the rankings you need to cultivate new clients. And it makes sense – when a consumer with a legal concern seeks direction, online reviews that recount how you’ve helped others in similar situations can go a long way toward relieving trepidation and motivating said consumer to make the call.
Don’t have a Google Map Listing? Get one here >>
Strategy 4: Focus on Connecting
For better or worse, the internet’s evolution has left today’s consumers simultaneously savvier and less patient. Gone are the days when you needed to explain yourself at length and go into excessive detail about your firm’s origins. Your potential clients are looking for a clean format that requires minimal reading while imparting maximum wisdom. There’s a reason that you simply can’t escape bullet-pointed lists – it’s the new frontier of online reading.
Focus your website efforts on maintaining a modern aesthetic that cuts to the chase (save the in-depth information for your blogs and case studies). Maintain a website that accurately represents who you are as a firm, that succinctly expresses why you’re the right firm for the job, and that makes getting in touch with you as easy as clicking to call, texting a brief message, connecting through a chat forum, or using an easy-fill form. The last thing you want to do is lose or dilute your potential client’s original impulse to contact you.
Get New Clients For Your Law Firm by Keeping Your Site Relevant
You have valuable legal counsel to provide, and there are clients out there who need your brand of expertise – the idea is to connect through your website. The dedicated and dynamic legal marketing team at Gorilla Webtactics is poised to pounce and help you master your numbers game.